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Protein Is An Essential Part of Hair Growth
and Promotes a Positive Attitude

Good afternoon all,

How’s your attitude today, Good or bad?

Here are some thoughts that signifies a bad attitude: if you woke up this morning and let circumstances you created make you mad, if you saw someone that you know looking good and you weren’t happy for them, or if you took a glance in the mirror and critisized yourself. I hope your thoughts are no, no,no to any of these because that means you have some work to do; its never too late to get the right attitude. A lot of our bad attitudes come from what we eat on a regular basis; oh yeah, that’s right! What we eat can and will determine what we think of ourselves and others.

The first thing we need to understand is what foods can help us think in a more positive way? Well, let’s talk facts: Proteins are an essential part of our make up. for instance; hair, nails, and skin are all created from proteins. If your hair, nails, and skin are not healthy it’s because your not eating the right foods or there isn’t enough protein in your food selection.

I experimented on myself by selecting foods that have more protein in them to see the if it would have an effect on my attitude. Well, the results are phenominal I feet better and I notice a change in my hair, skin, and nails. I have a glow of positive energy reflecting off of me so now I make sure that I include protein in my selection when I shop for groceries.

Stay tunned for the next blog: the three stages of hair growth.

Creatively yours,
Ms. Lavette