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Haaay, it’s a new day and a pretty hot one at that; this is a growing spurt season. Which means your hair can be in three diffent stages of hair growth (Anagen, Catagen, Telegen). If your hair is in the anagen stage it can continue to grow up to 7 years givin the right nutrients and treatment. The catagen stage is a very short cycle lasts only 4 months which means the process of your hair gowth has stopped and is preparing to shed. Hair must shed in order to make room for the new hair that will to grow in place of it; this stage is called telegen. Telegen stage fo hair growth allows all unheallthy hair to shed and new hair to grow in. How healthy your hair willl grow is all up to you. I suggest eating the right foods and taking the right supplimemts so that your hair will be in the best condition it could possibly be in whenever it is in any of the three stages of hair growth.

Stay tunned for more haircare bog tips.

Next topic: Coconut oil and how your hair can benefit from its natural sources

Creatively Yours,
Ms. LaVette