(203) 936-7610 [email protected]

C.R.C. Blogging is Back!

Cosmetology Refresher Courses has a new division, “The Hair Dr Salon” which focuses specifically on hair care services for all hair textures and scalp disorders. Our services offer private in-house consultations for your comfort during hair analysis to...


Hey everyone! Time to get excited!! Because it’s fall!!! This is the time of the season when you can begin something new in your life so make a decision to refresh your knowledge and skills in cosmetology. I will have a practice exam extravaganza for the month...

Six Day Memory Skill for Your Study Time

Finding the right way to study can become frustrating at times especially when you have an exam the next day. I found myslef trying to remember everything I read and heard thinking that I would be able to use the information when I needed it, well, it never worked!...

Colorado Movie Theater Shooting

What’s happening in Aurora, Colorado is a senseless tragedy. My heart goes out to all the people that were hurt and to the families of people who lost a loved one. ~Ms. LaVette   By CLAYTON SANDELL, KEVIN DOLAK, and COLLEEN CURRYJuly 20, 2012 4:24 PM Good...